Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Asura- Tale of the Vanquished

ASURA: Tale Of The Vanquished

Almost done reading 'Asura' and i realize that everything depends on perception. Life is all about how you perceive things. The book has an interesting take on Ravana and his side of the story- Ravanayana as the author likes to call it. It has definitely opened a whole new world of thoughts for me..that everything has another side to it...true to the quote -  "There are three sides to every story: your side, my side, and the truth"
All through my life, i have been made to believe Ravana was the bad guy and his death is celebrated year after year across the world for all his bad deeds. After 'Asura', i am not so sure of the 'bad guy' part. If the author(Anand Neelakantan) has managed to bring in such a thought(however miniscule it may be) in his reader's mind, i think he has been very successful in completing his job i.e.putting across his side of the story. I would recommend this book just for its sheer audacity, albeit some grammatical mistakes, in a world where everyone grew up listening to only one side of the story - which was Rama's.